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Great source for European Antiques and decorative accessories! This is a fine and diverse collection of period German,American and European furniture, paintings, silver, and estate jewelry from the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries. Modernism, Arts and Crafts. Modern German Kitchen Design The Colander Table by German designer Daniel Rohr Modern German Lace from Modespitze Plauen GmbH. Workmanship How to Furnish Your House German Style Interior Decorating for the Austrian and German Abroad The Famous German Interior Designers The Herter Brothers German interior design on Architecture and Design News German Designers Ken Adam,Friedrich Adler, Torsten Amf,tAlbrecht Becker,Georg-Christof Bertsch,Marianne Brandt,Fritz August Breuhaus,Ludwig Dürr,Ludwig Elsbett,Hartmut Esslinger,Achim Freyer,Herbert Lindinger,Wilhelm Hofmeister ,André Hunger,Johann Joachim Kaendler,Wolfgang Kramer,Franz Kruckenberg,Harry Lange, Frank Leder,Tobias Lindemann,Julia Lohmann,Uwe Mèffert,Ralf Metzenmacher,Wilhelm Ernst Peekhaus,Graziela Preiser,Otto Repa,Michael Schacht,Christian Schnabel,Thouret,Ulli Kampelmann List of German architects Romanism Gothism Renaissance Johann Alberthal architect, Joseph Heintz (1564–1609) architect, Elias Holl (1573–1646) architect, Heinrich Schickhardt (1558–1635) architect, Johannes Schoch architect, Jacob Wolf (1571–1620) architect Baroque Cosmas Damian Asam (1686–1839) architect, Egid Quirin Asam (1692–1750) architect, George Bähr (1666–1738) architect, François de Cuvilliés (1695–1768) architect, Johann Dientzenhofer (1663–1726) architect, Johann Michael Fischer (1692–1766) architect, Anselm Franz von Ritter zu Groenesteyn (1692–1765) architect, Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff (1699–1753) architect, Balthasar Neumann (1687–1753) architect & engineer, Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann (1662–1736) architect, Dominikus Zimmermann (1685–1766) architect Neoclassicism Frederick William von Erdmannsdorff (1736–1800) architect, Friedrich Gilly (1772–1800) architect, Carl von Gontard (1731–1791) architect, Leo von Klenze (1784–1864) architect, Carl Gotthard Langhans (1732–1808) architect, Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781–1841) architect, painter, Paul Ludwig Simon (1771-1815) architect, scientist, Friedrich Weinbrenner (1766–1826) architect Historicism Friedrich von Gärtner (1791–1847) architect, Franz Heinrich Schwechten (1841–1924) architect, Gottfried Semper (1803–1879) architect, Georg Hermann Nicolai (1812–1881) architect Architectural Realism Constantin Lipsius (1832–1894) architect, Paul Wallot (1841–1912) architect, Art Nouveau (Jugendstil,) Fritz Schumacher (1869–1947) architet and urban designer Traditionalism, Expressionism Dominikus Böhm (1880–1955) architect, Erich Mendelsohn (1887–1953) architect Organic Hans Scharoun (1893–1972) architect, Neue Moderne, Peter Behrens (1868–1940), architect, Walter Hohmann (1880–1945), architect and civil engineer, Bruno Taut (1880–1938), architect Bauhaus Walter Gropius (1883–1969), architect Internationalism Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) architect, Helmut Jahn (born 1940) architect and designer, Stephan Braunfels (born 1950) architect Deconstructivism Günther Behnisch (born 1922) architect, Gottfried Böhm (born 1920) architect High Tech Eco Tech Hans Kollhoff (born 1946) architect Important German artists of the 20th / 21st century Franz Ackermann Painter and Installation Artist, Max Ackermann Painter, Josef Albers Painter and Desinger, Jean Arp Painter and Sculptor, Frank Auerbach Painter, Bill Brandt Photographer, Willi Baumeister Painter, Bernhard Becher Photographer, Max Beckmann Painter, Peter Behrens Designer, Joseph Beuys Conceptual Artist, Otto Dix. Painter, Max Ernst. Painter, Lucian Freud Painter, Lyonel Feininger Painter, Andreas Gursky Photographer, Bernhard Gutmann Painter, Hans Hartung Painter, Erich Heckel Painter, Eva Hesse Painter and Sculptor, Carl Hofer Painter, Hans Hofmann Painter, Rebecca Horn Installation Artist, Alexei Jawlesnky Painter, Lee Lawrie Sculptor,Anselm Kiefer Painter, Martin Kippenberber, Max Liebermann Painter,Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Painter and Sculptor, Markus Lupertz Painter, Peter Max Painter, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Architect, Gerhard Marcks Sculptor, Ernst Wilhelm Nay. Painter, Helmut Newton Photographer, Gerhard Richter. Painter, Dieter Roth Mixed Media Artist, Kurt Schwitters Painter and Sculptor, Thomas Schutte Installation Artist, Kiki Smith,Rosemarie Trockel Conceptual Artist Information below obtained from Modernism In the arts, a general term used to describe the 20th century's conscious attempt to break with the artistic traditions of the 19th century, particularly strong in the period between World War I (1914–18) and World War II (1939–45). Modernism is based on a concern with form and the exploration of technique as opposed to content and narrative. In the visual arts, direct representationalism gave way to abstraction (see abstract art); in literature, writers experimented with alternatives to orthodox sequential storytelling, using techniques involving different viewpoints (such as writing as if in the mind of a character in the story; known as the stream of consciousness technique; in music, the traditional concept of key was challenged by atonality; and in architecture, Functionalism ousted decorativeness as a central objective (see Modern Movement). Literary modernism Influences upon literary modernism can be found in European fiction (for example, in the work of French writer Marcel Proust). In the English language, modernism was centred both in the UK and the USA. Influential modernist writers in the UK include the Anglo-American poet, critic, and playwright T S Eliot, Irish writer James Joyce, and English writers D H Lawrence and Virginia Woolf. In the USA, the poet and critic Ezra Pound was an influential modernist, who was especially influential over T S Eliot. Critics of modernism have found in it an austerity that is seen as dehumanizing. Postmodernism developed as a reaction to modernism, but has had to compete with new and divergent modernist trends, for example high-tech in architecture. Eliot was concerned that there was no focus for modern society or literature, and this is explored in his wistful poetry, including ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ (1917) and ‘The Waste Land’ (1922). In his poetry, Eliot combines several different speaking voices and uses the influence of other cultures and literary periods. This technique of parody is an important one for modernists such as Eliot and the Irish writer James Joyce, whose books experiment with frank content and with new ways of narrating, showing the developing linguistic and narrative complexity of the modernist movement. Dubliners (1914), a book of short stories set in Dublin, is the least sophisticated; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) traces the biographical and linguistic development of a young writer; Ulysses (1922) is a masterpiece of parody and pastiche; and Finnegan's Wake (1939) is the most difficult of Joyce's books, most notably in terms of his experiments with language. D H Lawrence, whose books include Sons and Lovers (1913), The Rainbow (1915), and Women in Love (1921), was innovative in his explicit portrayal of sexuality, and focused mainly on the English lower-middle and working-class. His best-known novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928), was the subject of an obscenity trial, and was not published in England in its complete form until 1960. His short stories and poetry are also important. The Bloomsbury Group, a group of artists and writers focused in the area of London called Bloomsbury, was seen as an avant-garde and modern group. The most famous member was English writer Virginia Woolf. Her work is often described in terms of the modernist ‘stream of consciousness’ technique, which she used to render inner experience. She was also, like many other modernists, concerned with the inadequacy of language to describe experiences; for example, lots of sensations and thoughts can be experienced at any one moment, but only one can be described in words at any one moment. These are major themes of her books, which include Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), and The Waves (1931). Modernism In Protestantism, liberal thought which emerged early in the 20th century and attempted to reconsider Christian beliefs in the light of modern scientific theories and historical methods, without abandoning the essential doctrines. It was against modernism that the Fundamentalist movement defined itself. The term was originally used for liberal tendencies in the Roman Catholic Church. Modernism was condemned by Pope Pius X in 1907.
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